Journal of Qualitative Research in Health Sciences



Introduction: The shortage of nurses and nursing turnover are major problems in the most countries of the world and Iran accordingly. Nurses' turnover is taken place during a process. The present study aimed to describe how nurses’ turnover process is carried out. Method: The nurse's turnover was studied from the perspective of 16 nurses with basic grounded theory. The participants were selected through conventional and theoretical sampling method. The data were collected by semi-structured interviews. The data were analyzed simultaneously by continuously comparisons based on Strauss and Corbin 2008 method. Results: Thinking about nursing “turnover” was appeared as the main variable which affects nurses' turnover process. The main variable in this study included six axial codes: professional/managerial challenges, finding a solution, thinking about turnover, job seeking, turnover intention, and conducting turnover. Conclusion: In order to prevent nursing turnover, identifying facilitating factors, removing barriers and promoting the necessary facilities are necessary.


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