Journal of Qualitative Research in Health Sciences


1 Ph.D Candidate, Department of Sociology, School of Social Sciences, Islamic Azad University Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, School of Social Sciences, Islamic Azad University Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran


Introduction: The weakness of the culture of work and the tendency of people in the society to work poorly and inadequate performance of their duties and responsibilities is one of the problems of human societies.  The present study examined the life span experiences of individuals in this field.
Methods: This study was performed qualitatively, using phenomenological methods. Participates were selected from the staff and managers of Arak city governmental agencies and organizations. 42 participants were selected by purposeful sampling. The method of data collection was semi-structured interview which was recorded and rewritten with the consent of the participants and was analyzed by colazzi method.
Results: Data analysis resulted in the extraction of six main categories and several subcategories. The main categories included lack of organizational justice, change of intrinsic values of work, weakness of personality system, Weakness motivational system, Weakness socialization and poor growth of spirit of intellect.
Conclusion: The present study, by describing the weakness of the culture of work, provided a new understanding of individuals’ experiences of this phenomenon. It also links the origins of such an event to the individual factors in addition to structural factors, which are mutually interconnected.
Therefore, it is suggested that in order to change the culture of work and to achieve an excellent and progressive culture of work, at the same time, it is necessary to modify both middle-level and large-scale community structures and mechanisms, as well as to reinforce, educate, and change its individual and personal contexts.


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