Journal of Qualitative Research in Health Sciences


1 Semnan University of Medical Sciences

2 Tehran University of Medical Sciences


Introduction: Although it is an accepted fact that using coping strategies have an important role in the
coping process and quality of life following spinal cord injury (SCI), there is still little information about
this issue in the world and especially in Iran. The purpose of this study was to explore important coping
strategies used by Iranian patients with spinal cord injuries.
Method: 18 patients with SCI from The Brain and Spinal injury Repair Research Center of Tehran
University of Medical Sciences, and the Protection Center of the disabled with spinal cord injury were
interviewed deeply. Data were collected through recorded interviews, and concurrently analyzed using the
conventional content analysis method.
Results: Data analysis showed seeking help from religious beliefs (understanding the disease as a divine
fate and test, appeal to Imams, and increasing worship), to be an important coping strategy.
Conclusion: Understanding strategies that influence the patients’ coping with the SCI will contribute to
the nursing body of knowledge. It also helps nurses and other health-care professionals, and the patients’
families in reinforcing the most effective coping strategies and promoting the quality of care.
