Journal of Qualitative Research in Health Sciences




Introduction: Nurses are considered as one of the most essential members of patents’ health care team.
They play an important role in patient recovery or any other changes in patient health conditions.
However, it seems that nurses’ caring of patients depended on their hops of recovery. Therefore, it is
expected that nurses’ hopes be a fundamental part of the offering of any care. With due attention to this
issue, this study analyzed the concept of nurses’ hope of patient recovery.
Method: The hybrid model, which includes theory, practice, and final analysis, was used and interviews
were analyzed according to the analytical method of inductive content analysis.
Results: In the theoretical stage, nurses’ hopes were characterized by availability, professionalism,
positive expectations, future-oriented, targeted, and etcetera. In the next stage, the practical definition of
the concept (the nurses’ hopes is a necessity in the quality of health care) was studied. In the final analysis
stage, the concept was defined with the characteristics of dynamic, realistic, and goal-based expectations.
It was also defined as leading to better performances and attitudes in offering effective health care and
nurses’ tranquility.
Conclusion: The analysis of the concept of hope in nurses illustrated that nurses’ awareness of concepts
such as hope in health care (the most important task of a nurse) could lead to their better performance.
