Journal of Qualitative Research in Health Sciences


1 Tarbiat Modares University

2 Tehran University of Medical Science


Introduction: Risky sexual behaviors are great threat for youth' physical and social health. Because of global epidemy of sexual transmitted disease, sexual self efficacy has an important role in the area of risky sexual behaviors and safe sex. This study was designed to "explore the role of young women' self efficacy on risky sexual behavior. Method: In this qualitative inquiry, we recruited 75 young women aged 18-35. Data was collected using focus group discussions (7) and individual interviews (12). We employed content analysis to analyze the data (Graneheim and Lundman's approach). We used multiple data collection methods, maximum variation sampling, and external check to enhance dependability and credibility of data. Results: The result of the present study was categorized into three subcategories:"inability to end relationship", "inability to have a proper decision", and "inability to reject sexual relation". Some participants who had sexual experience expressed that they did not able to say "no" in response to their sexual offer. Some others reported that they did not have appropriate performance regarding to selecting boy friend. Some participants stated that they did not able to end friendship when they did not tend to continue. Conclusion: The result shoed that participants do not have sufficient self efficacy to manage their cross sex interactions. Results of the present study can be useful to plan preventive strategies regarding to young girls' risky sexual behaviors.


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