Journal of Qualitative Research in Health Sciences




Introduction: Many individuals who were involved in the war experienced sacrifice and injury. Veterans' unique experiences have been examined in very few studies. The aim of this study was to understand the experiences of veterans in order to describe their experiences and provide insight into this phenomenon. Method: This qualitative study was conducted in 2014 using a phenomenological research method. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews with 11 veterans in Kermanshah, Iran. Data obtained from interviews were analyzed using van Manen’s method. Results: This phenomenon comprised 4 sub-themes of dedication and sacrifice, loss of health, motivation, and pride. Veterans adapted to the outcomes of their sacrifice through measures such as accepting their situation and gaining experience, trust in God and patience, social activities, helping and assisting others, especially veterans, making their living environement suitable, personal activities, sports and recreational activities. Conclusion: The results provided a deep understanding of veterans’ perceptions, weaknesses, defects, and physical and mental challenges.


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