Journal of Qualitative Research in Health Sciences

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Medical Oncology and Hematology, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of the Cancer Palliative Care, Deputy of Health, Ministry of Health and Medical Education, Tehran, Iran

3 Department of Home-Based Palliative Care, Iranian Cancer Control Center, Tehran, Iran

4 Social Determinants of Health Research Center, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Lorestan University of Medical Sciences, Khorramabad, Iran

5 French Institute of Research and High Education (IFRES-INT), Paris, France

6 Student Research Committee, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran



Background: Patients with cancer are among the groups that are vulnerable to the COVID-19 crisis. Identifying the factors affecting the process of healthcare provision can improve the health services provided to cancer patients. Therefore, this study aimed to explain stakeholders’ perception of the healthcare services provided to cancer patients during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Methods: The present qualitative study was conducted using the conventional content analysis method in Iran in 2021. Participants included cancer patients, their families, and healthcare providers, who were selected via purposive sampling. Data were collected through 19 individual interviews and two focus groups and then analyzed using the method proposed by Graneheim and Lundman.
Results: Qualitative data analysis revealed seven main categories, including the disruption of care continuity, reduced quality of health services, poor provision of community-based services, lack of comprehensive care, lack of public education, predicting changes in cancer incidence and mortality trends, and ethical challenges.
Conclusion: The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed cancer patients to many challenges, including limited access to health services. Therefore, there is a need to facilitate these patients’ access to safe healthcare services.


Vahid Kaveh (Google Scholar) (PubMed)

Pooneh Pirjani (Google Scholar) (PubMed)

Heshmatolah Heydari (Google Scholar) (PubMed)

Kosar Sadat Hosseini Kolbadi (Google Scholar) (PubMed)

Ghazal Razani (Google Scholar) (PubMed)

Romina Sadeqian (Google Scholar) (PubMed)

Mehdi Ashouri (Google Scholar) (PubMed)

Mandana Saki (Google Scholar) (PubMed)

Suzanne Hojjat-Assari (Google Scholar) (PubMed)


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