Journal of Qualitative Research in Health Sciences


1 Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Letters and Humanities, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran

2 MA in Counseling Family, Shahid Bahonar University, Kerman, Iran


Introduction: Due to the negative consequences of divorce, evaluation of the reasons inducing this phenomenon, is of great importance for therapists and researchers. The aim of this study was to examine the role of pre-marital events (dating, engagement, and marriage) in marital conflicts leading to divorce.
Method: This qualitative study was conducted using a phenomenological approach. The population of the study included all the people who had applied for divorce in 2016 and were referred by the family court to counseling centers across the city of Kerman. The sample consisted of 23 people who were selected using purposive sampling. Data were collected using semi-structured interviews, and analyzed using Moustakas method.
Results: Analysis of the interviews indicated that in pre-marital period, there were significant antecedents for divorce. These antecedents were classified into two main codes including underlying causes of conflicts and causes increasing conflicts.
Conclusion: The findings of this study can be useful for couples, therapists, and family counselors and should be considered in providing premarital counseling.


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