Journal of Qualitative Research in Health Sciences



Introduction: In order to stand second in the field of science and technology, research-related
activities of students need to be promoted. The aim of this study was to explain the views and
experiences of students regarding research. It also tried to recommend strategies for increasing
the students' participation in research activities.
Method: A qualitative study with 50 students of Golestan University of Medical Sciences was
performed during 2011. Purposeful sampling with maximum diversity was used to select
participants. Individual semi-structured interviews were conducted to achieve data saturation.
All participants were asked at least two open questions: "What does the word research bring to
your mind?" and "What concessions will increase the quality of research performed by
students?". Content analysis was used to analyze data.
Results Applied research", "novel laboratory research", "benefits of research for the society",
"providing the students with support and empathy", and "motivation" were among the derived
themes. Participants considered a student as an individual sincerely eager to seek the
development of the country through science and research. Most participants complained that the
results of different studies are not applied in the community.
Conclusion: Students anticipate support and empathy from their teachers. They want to learn
competency. Performing duplicate research and not using the obtained results would despair
young researchers. Therefore, the current research-related culture among young students
requires to be promoted.
