Journal of Qualitative Research in Health Sciences

Originality, high academic quality, and genuine interest in a wide international audience are prevailing criteria of the JQRHS for publishing articles. The journal editorial team encourages the authors to pay close attention to the factors that will increase the likelihood of acceptance. Manuscripts that fall short of setting out the international debates and policy lessons are more likely to be rejected or returned to the authors for redrafting before being reviewed.

Ownership and management

The Journal of Qualitative Research in Health Sciences (JQRHS) is owned, managed, funded, and published by the Kerman University of Medical Sciences (KUMS).

Publication Ethics

The JQRHS is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). It means that COPE’s flowcharts and instructions are provided to deal with any ethical misbehavior. JQRHS is also a member of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) and pursues the guidelines.

Peer review policy

This JQRHS is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal and its purpose is providing an accurate and fair critical review of all submitted manuscripts. For more information please read here.

Competing Interests

The JQRHS requires authors to declare all competing interests in their work. Authors are requested to disclose their interests that are directly or indirectly related to the work submitted for publication. All submissions must include a " Competing Interests/Conflict interest" section at the end of the article listing all competing interests (financial and non-financial). interests to be considered and disclosed but not limited to:


Recent employment (during a research project), current or anticipated employment by any organization that may have a financial gain or loss through the publication of this manuscript. This includes multiple affiliations (if any).


Research grants from funding agencies (please mention research funder and grant number) and/or research grants (including salaries, equipment, supplies, refunds for symposia, and other expenses) By organizations that may gain or lose through publication.

Non-financial interests

Authors are asked to disclose interests that go beyond financial interests that could lead to bias in the work presented for publication, such as professional interests, personal relationships, or personal beliefs.

Early research papers require a disclosure statement. Review articles provide a synthesis mix of evidence and may be considered valid work on a subject. Therefore, review articles need a disclosure statement. Other types of articles such as editorials, book reviews, and comments (among others) may require a disclosure statement depending on their content.

Plagiarism detection

The manuscript should not contain the verbatim text of previously published papers or manuscripts submitted elsewhere. Hence, we evaluate all submitted manuscripts by the iThenticate plagiarism checker, which based on the detected plagiarism of the submitted manuscripts, we will ask the authors to rephrase the manuscript. COPE's flowcharts and guidelines would be used to handle plagiarism. Plagiarism will be reported to the Vice-Chancellor for Research and Technology of relevant universities and organizations through official correspondence.

Copyright and Licensing

If a manuscript contains any previously published image or text, it is the responsibility of the author to obtain authorization from copyright holders. The author is required to obtain and submit the written original permission letters for all copyrighted material used in his/her manuscript.

Publication Fees

This journal is published and sponsored by Kerman University of Medical Sciences (Non-profit). Therefore, there are no submission and publication fees for the authors at the moment. Although the cost of translation and editing in English by the company approved by the journal is the responsibility 

JQRHS supports the Open Access Initiative.  

Abstracts and full texts (PDF and XML) of all articles published by JQRHS are freely accessible to everyone immediately upon publication. Reusing and publishing JQRHS-published articles is permitted by following the Creative Commons License: Users are free to copy and redistribute the articles published by JQRHS in any medium or format under the Creative Commons License terms and conditions.  

Revenue Sources

JQRHS is financially supported by the Kerman University of Medical Sciences and has no other sources of funds.

Journal Archiving

To guarantee long-term digital preservation is Open Archive and publicly and openly accessible to all digital readers, all articles published in the SDME are archived in Kerman University of Medical Sciences and pre-print servers.


JQRHS has no advertising program on its website or report articles.


last updated: 14-04-2024