Journal of Qualitative Research in Health Sciences



Introduction: Although divorce is related to marriage and is usually due to unsuccessful marriage, the marriage of divorced couples is less studied. Method: This research was performed using a qualitative exploratory research design. Unstructured in-depth interviews were conducted with 12 divorced subjects. The collected data were analyzed using constant comparative method. Results: The main theme of “problematic marriage” with two subcategories of “motivations” and “conditions” were achieved in this research. The subcategories consisted of 2 subclasses of “marriage criteria” and “decision-making conditions for marriage”. It seems that the traditional function of marriage is changing even in small and traditional societies and couples’ willingness to end unsatisfying marriages has increased. Conclusion: The majority of divorces in this study were related to problematic marriages especially marriages begun in haste, with inadequate knowledge of each other, and without consent of either party. Therefore, it is necessary that the marriage ceremony is performed in a way that increases the stability and continuity of the marriage..


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