Journal of Qualitative Research in Health Sciences


alame tabatabai


Introduction: In the grounded theory research methodology, one of the main concerns of researchers is how and when to use the existing literature. Followers of Glaser believe that, in grounded theory, literature should not be reviewed before the research, because this awareness causes the researcher to unconsciously influence the research. However, the followers of Strauss believe that, in grounded theory, literature review before the beginning of the research is essential.

Method: This study was performed by an extensive review of literature in databases, such as Springer, ProQuest, Oxford Journals, Wiley Online Library, SAGE Publications, Scopus, and ScienceDirect, and also books on qualitative research method.

Results: Literature review in grounded theory can act as an assessment device for an emerging theory and enrich it, does not necessarily need to be considered at the end of the research because it can enhance the inductive research process.

Conclusion: Initial literature review is not the only effective factor on the research process; the researcher's previous experiences and knowledge of the subject can also affect the emerging theory. However, researcher reflexivity, use of short notes during the research, annotation, and writing previous experiences can reduce the impact of the researcher on the study process.


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