Journal of Qualitative Research in Health Sciences



Background: Nutrition is the most significant factor affecting the health statue of individuals and their longevity.In this respect , children and adolescents are more dependent to a healthy nutrition in order to have adequate physical growth and mental development and to be able to prevent chronic diseases in future. Therefore , encouraging this age groups for following healthy nutritional behavior should be considered as one of the health priorities of community.
Objectives: The purpose of this study to determine effect of educational on dietary behavior self-efficacy middle school student in Kerman/Iran.
Materials and Methods: In this experimental study from all private and public secondary schools of Kerman, 120 students were selected through multi- stage cluster random sampling and were randomly divided into two groups of experimental and control. Data were gathered by using a questionnaire. After performing a pre-test, eight 60-minute sessions of educational program on healthy nutrition and it’s importance in experimental group were hold by the researcher through giving lecture and providing question and answer time and educational booklet. Post-test was performed after three weeks in experimental group and control group and the results of pre- and post-tests were compared by using paired t-test, Chi-square, Fisher and independent t-test.
Results: According to the results, self-efficacy in all domains of nutritional behavior showed a significant difference (p=%001) in experimental group (38.92±10.59) compared to the control group (-1.78 ± 0.33). The two groups showed significant difference in regard to the promotion of dietary behavior self- efficacy following the educational program (p=%001).
Conclusion: Educational programs have positive effects on students’ dietary behaviors self-efficacy. Therefore,providing such educational programs for promotion of self-efficacy in various health issues and prevention is highly required.
