Journal of Qualitative Research in Health Sciences



Introduction: Obesity has now become an epidemic in Iran and there is convincing evidence that psychological factors play an important role in obesity and overweight. Given the key role of employees, as valuable human resources, in providing services and the increasing sedentary lifestyle among them, the current study aimed to explore governmental employees’ perceptions of psychological factors that affect obesity. Method: This qualitative study was conducted through content analysis. In total, 4 focus group discussions were held with groups of 8 subjects (32 subjects). Semi-structured interviews were conducted on a diverse sample of 35 obese or overweight governmental employees between February 2014 and January 2015. All interviews were audio recorded and were analyzed using the Strauss and Corbin method. Results: As a result of data analysis, the 3 main categories of poor adaptability in stressful periods, low self-efficacy, and motivators emerged. Poor adaptability in stressful periods consisted of the 5 main subcategories of periods of university entrance exam, soldiering, career, marriage, and childbirth. Low self-efficacy was explored in the 2 main subcategories of lack of positive model and the sense of lack of control over circumstances. Motivators included the subcategories of pleasure and apprehension. Conclusion: This study showed that perceptions of employees on psychological factors influencing obesity differed. Therefore, further researches, both qualitative and quantitative, are required in this field.


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