Journal of Qualitative Research in Health Sciences

Document Type : Original Article


1 1. PhD Candidate in Sports Injuries and Corrective Exercises, Faculty of Sport Sciences, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran

2 2. Professor, Faculty of Sport Sciences, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran

3 3. Associate Professor, Faculty of Sport Sciences, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran


Introduction: Since school sports are the main cause of students’ injuries, awareness of the causes and factors underlying these injuries can pave the way for the development and planning of injury prevention strategies. The present study was conducted in two quantitative and qualitative phases using the data in the sports injury surveillance system and the interviews designed by the researchers to analyze the epidemiological indicators and causes of students’ injuries.
Methods: This mixed-method study was conducted using qualitative and quantitative descriptive techniques. The injuries made to male students of physical education high schools in Kerman were recorded for 6 months in a sports injury surveillance system developed by the researchers. Then, the qualitative data were collected using in-depth and semi-structured interviews to explore the possible causes of sports injuries. The collected data were analyzed using a content analysis method via descriptive statistics and the chi-square test with SPSS software (version 21) at a significance level of P=0.05. Besides, the qualitative data were analyzed using a conventional content analysis technique.
Results: The results of data analysis indicated that most of the injuries occurring in sports movements to the student-athletes were caused by collision. Moreover, muscle strain injuries were the most frequently found sports injuries. Improper techniques were also reported as the most important cause of sports injuries. Pain was found as the most significant indicator of the early post-injury symptoms. An analysis of the quantitative-descriptive data recorded in the sports injury surveillance system showed the injury incidence rate of 33.3 injuries per 100 student-athletes and 63.3 injuries per 100 hours of training and competition. Furthermore, the lower extremity with 51.6% and minor injuries with 45.3% showed the highest rate and improper techniques accounting for 25% of the injuries were the most important risk factor for injury.
Conclusion: Given the high prevalence of muscle strains and the highest percentage of lower extremity injuries in students caused by using improper techniques, addressing sports injury indicators, as well as explaining their causes and underlying factors can significantly contribute to reducing students’ injuries. Moreover, regular systematic reviews of epidemiological studies can be effective in developing practical programs for injury prevention in students.


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